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Medtronic received FDA approval for asleep DBS surgery: A new choice for Parkinson disease treatment

Medtronic received FDA approval for asleep DBS surgery: A new choice for Parkinson disease treatment

Medtronic's FDA approval for asleep deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery provides patients with a new treatment option, offering comfort, safety, and comparable results to awake DBS.
Oct 14, 2024
Deep brain stimulation provides lasting reduction in medication needs for patients with Parkinson disease in Singapore

Deep brain stimulation provides lasting reduction in medication needs for patients with Parkinson disease in Singapore

Our recently published study in the Journal of Neurology showed that medication dosage was reduced by an average of 32% within the first year after DBS, and remained stable at a reduced dose for 10 years. The types of medication taken could also be simplified.
May 11, 2020
Early deep brain stimulation slows disease progression in Parkinson patients

Early deep brain stimulation slows disease progression in Parkinson patients

A study published in the scientific journal Neurology in July 2020, showed that early deep brain stimulation (DBS) is safe and has benefit over standard medical therapy. Early DBS may reduce the risk of Parkinson disease progression.
Dec 6, 2020
Terima kasih! Kiriman Anda telah diterima!
Ups! Ada yang tidak beres saat mengirimkan formulir.